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Coated aluminum blister foil has the following features


Coated aluminum blister foil has the following features

Coated blister foil is a special structure that can achieve 100% medicinal preservation and can be stored for a long time. Coated blister foils have several well-known features.

1.Low thermal conductivity
2.Durable material & compatible with auxiliary materials
3.Resistance to solvent, oil and other chemical
4.Low water absorption and low water permeability
5.Effective, light and easy to transport and install

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№ 52, Роҳи Донминг, Чжэнчжоу, Хенан, Хитой


[email protected]


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20 фолгаи алюминии микрон
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Alu Alu сард ташаккул фолгаи алюминий OPA / AL / PVC
PVC PVDC барои бастаи блистери дору
PVC/PVDC барои бастаи блистер дору


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