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Medicinal packaging aluminum foil alloy and its parameters details


Medicinal packaging aluminum foil alloy and its parameters details

What are the common alloy types of aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging?

What are the thickness specifications?

The following are some alloys of pharmaceutical packaging foil and their common specifications for reference.

PTP medicinal aluminum foil, alloy 8011 фолгаи алюминий, state O, H18, thickness 016-0.5mm

Blister medicinal aluminum foil, 8021 фолгаи алюминий, state O, thickness 0.04-0.065mm

Tropical type medicinal aluminum foil, alloy 8021, 8079, state O, thickness 0.016-0.2mm

Aluminum foil for medicine cap, Alloy 8011 фолгаи алюминий, state H14, H16, thickness 0.016-0.5mm

As a large-scale aluminum foil manufacturer in China, Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd., in addition to the above-mentioned medicinal packaging aluminum foil, provides users with the required alloys and their specifications, and Huawei Aluminium Industry Co., Ltd. customizes production for you.

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20 фолгаи алюминии микрон
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8079 бастабандии pharma фолгаи алюминий
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