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Барои кадом доруҳо фолгаи алюминийи хунукшуда истифода мешаванд?


Барои кадом доруҳо фолгаи алюминийи хунукшуда истифода мешаванд?

Фолгаи алюминии хунуккардашуда одатан дар саноати фармасевтӣ барои бастабандии намудҳои гуногуни доруворӣ истифода мешавад.. Фолгаи алюминии хунуккардашуда бо хосиятҳои хуби монеаи худ маълум аст, helping to protect pharmaceutical products from moisture, нур, oxygen and other external factors, ensuring product stability and efficacy. The following are some common pharmaceuticals packaged in фольгаи алюминии хунук сохташуда:

Blister Packaging: Cold-formed aluminum foil is often used in blister packaging to create individual cavities or blisters to hold individual doses of tablets or capsules. The foil provides excellent barrier properties and tamper-proof packaging.

Tablets and Capsules: Many over-the-counter and prescription drugs in tablet or capsule form are packaged in cold-formed aluminum foil blister packs.

Lozenges and Chewable Medications: Cold-formed aluminum foil is used to package lozenges, chewable tablets and other oral dosage forms.

Softgel capsules: Medications in softgel form are often packaged in cold-formed aluminum foil blister packs to protect the integrity of the product.

Suppositories: Some rectal and vaginal suppositories are packaged in cold-formed aluminum foil to ensure product hygiene and stability.

Ointments and Creams: In some cases, aluminum foil is used to package ointments, creams, and topical medications to maintain their integrity and protect them from external factors.

Cold-formed aluminum foil is primarily used for pharmaceutical products that are sensitive to environmental factors such as moisture, нур ва оксиген, which can reduce the efficacy and shelf life of the drug. Using cold-formed aluminum foil packaging helps ensure the quality and safety of pharmaceutical products before they are consumed by patients.

Саҳифаи қаблӣ:
Саҳифаи оянда:


№ 52, Роҳи Донминг, Чжэнчжоу, Хенан, Хитой


[email protected]


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