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Чи може упаковка з алюмінієвої фольги бути вологостійкою та газонепроникною?


Чи може упаковка з алюмінієвої фольги бути вологостійкою та газонепроникною?

There is no doubt that alu alu foil packaging is moisture-proof and gas-proof. The design of aluminum foil packaging is both moisture-proof and gas-proof, making it an excellent choice for packaging sensitive pharmaceuticals and medical products.

Moisture resistance of cold formed aluminum foil pairs:

Alu alu refers to a type of packaging composed of multiple layers of material. Типово, it consists of a layer of aluminum foil sandwiched between layers of plastic film.
Aluminum foil is an excellent moisture barrier. It is impermeable to water vapor, preventing moisture from entering the packaging and affecting the contents.
The plastic layer in Alu alu foil was also chosen for its moisture-resistant properties. They are often laminated to aluminum foil to form a composite structure, providing an effective moisture barrier.

Gasproof (gas barrier):

In addition to being moisture-proof, aluminum foil can also block gases, including oxygen and other atmospheric gases.
The aluminum foil layer in aluminum foil packaging acts as an oxygen barrier, preventing oxygen from entering the packaging. This is critical to maintaining the shelf life and efficacy of medications, especially those that are sensitive to oxygen exposure.

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№52, Dongming Road, Чженчжоу, Хенань, Китай


[email protected]


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