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What are the structures of pharmaceutical packaging composite materials?


What are the structures of pharmaceutical packaging composite materials?

Medicinal packaging composite film refers to a multi-layered film formed by combining base materials with various plastics, کاغذ, aluminum metal or other materials through lamination, extrusion veneer, co-extrusion plastic and other process technologies. It has dustproof properties. , anti-fouling, gas barrier, fragrance maintenance, UV protection and other functions.

No packaging material used alone can achieve the above functions, but after compounding, it can basically meet various requirements for ایسی صورت میں ایلومینیم کے پتلے ورقوں کو مناسب طریقے سے استعمال کرکے پیداواری لاگت کو ایک خاص حد تک کم کیا جاسکتا ہے۔.

صرف پیداوار کے عمل سے تفصیلات کو کنٹرول کرنے کے لئے, composite membranes also have the disadvantages of being difficult to recycle and easily causing pollution.

The composite film is expressed as surface layer/printing layer/adhesive layer/aluminum foil/adhesive inner layer (گرمی سگ ماہی کی پرت).

Common structures of pharmaceutical composite packaging include the following types:

قسم عام ڈھانچہ Production Process خصوصیات
Ordinary composite membrane PET/DLAL/PE


Dry compounding method or extrusion first and then dry compounding method Good printing adaptability, gas and moisture barrier properties.
Easy-to-tear strip packaging PT/AD/PE/ALAD/PE Extrusion compounding Good printing adaptability, gas and moisture barrier properties.
Paper aluminum plastic packaging Paper/PE/AL/ ADPE Extrusion compounding Good printability, good stiffness, gas and moisture barrier properties, degradability, وغیرہ.
High temperature cooking film BOPA/CPP or PET/CPP


Dry compounding It can basically kill all bacteria in the package. It can be placed at room temperature without cold installation. It has good gas and moisture barrier properties, is resistant to high temperatures, and has good printability.


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