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What is the difference between Alu Alu and Pharma PVC?


What is the difference between Alu Alu and Pharma PVC?

Alu Alu Foil VS Pharma PVC

Pharmaceutical cold-formed aluminum foil (alu alu) اور ایسی صورت میں ایلومینیم کے پتلے ورقوں کو مناسب طریقے سے استعمال کرکے پیداواری لاگت کو ایک خاص حد تک کم کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ material PVC are both commonly used materials for pharmaceutical packaging. The two medical packaging have some similarities, but more differences.

Alu Alu Foil VS Pharma PVC

Alu Alu Foil VS Pharma PVC

Understanding of pharmaceutical alu alu foil packaging

Pharmaceutical alu alu is a packaging material designed for highly sensitive drugs and generic drugs. فارماسیوٹیکل cold aluminum is a composite material. After cold stamping, it can replace the PTP blister packaging of PVC part for drug packaging.

Cold-formed alu alu has many pharmaceutical cold aluminum that can 100% نمی کو روکنا, air and gas, اور روشنی, providing excellent protection for drugs. Pharmaceutical cold aluminum greatly improves the ability to form without fracture, ensuring the integrity and stability of the packaging.
عین اسی وقت پر, pharmaceutical cold aluminum can be customized according to customer needs, including printing patterns, sizes, وغیرہ, to meet the packaging needs of different drugs.

What is pharmaceutical PVC?

Medical PVC, or medical grade polyvinyl chloride, is a plastic material widely used in the medical and health field. Medical PVC is resistant to chemical corrosion and has strong resistance to oxidants, کم کرنے والے ایجنٹ اور مضبوط تیزاب. عین اسی وقت پر, it also has the advantages of wear resistance, easy production, safe use and low cost. These characteristics make medical PVC an ideal choice for medical device and drug packaging. Medical PVC is widely used in the manufacture of various medical devices, such as medical hoses, blood storage devices, dialysis accessories, surgical gloves and artificial organs. These devices need to have good biocompatibility and chemical stability to ensure patient safety and treatment effects.

Medical PVC is also widely used in the field of pharmaceutical packaging, such as packaging materials for solid oral food and drugs (such as inner packaging of capsules and tablets and outer packaging of injections and oral liquid bottles). It has excellent oxygen barrier properties and water vapor barrier properties, which can effectively protect drugs from the influence of the external environment and ensure the quality and safety of drugs.

Alu Alu Foil VS Pharma PVC

There are significant differences between medical cold aluminum and pharmaceutical PVC in many aspects.

Performance comparison of medical cold aluminum and pharmaceutical PVC

Medical cold aluminum

Moisture-proof performance: cold aluminum materials can effectively isolate the contact between air and moisture, reduce the possibility of moisture absorption of drugs, and improve the stability and storage life of drugs.
Sealing performance: The material characteristics of cold aluminum can effectively resist the extrusion and compression of drug packaging by external forces, ensuring the safety of drugs in the production line and during use.
رکاوٹ کی کارکردگی: cold aluminum packaging 100% blocks moisture, air and gas, اور روشنی, and has very strong protection against water, oxygen and UV radiation.
Aesthetics: cold aluminum also has a certain glossiness and easy printing, which can add beauty to drug packaging.

دواسازی پیویسی

Chemical corrosion resistance: PVC has strong resistance to oxidants, کم کرنے والے ایجنٹ اور مضبوط تیزاب.
Abrasion resistance: PVC materials are wear-resistant, easy to produce, safe to use, and low-cost.
مطابقت: PVC has good compatibility with intravenous fluids and blood.
نس بندی: Medical PVC products must undergo strict sterilization.

Applicable scenarios and advantages
Medical cold aluminum
Applicable scenarios: Especially suitable for highly hygroscopic or light-sensitive drugs and the high sensitivity range of non-patented drugs.
پیلا ٹیپ: Cold aluminum packaging overcomes the shortcomings of conventional medicinal PVC hard sheets in terms of moisture barrier, air barrier, light avoidance, thermal stability, وغیرہ. It is a blister-type material for drug packaging that isolates various gases and blocks light radiation, which can effectively extend the shelf life of drugs.
Medicinal PVC
Applicable scenarios: Widely used in drug outer packaging and liquid, گیس, blood, and other fields in medical processes.
پیلا ٹیپ: Easy to produce, low cost, and good compatibility with a variety of medical supplies.

سابقہ ​​صفحہ:
اگلا صفحہ: پہلے ہی تازہ ترین مضمون

رابطہ کریں۔

نمبر 52, ڈونگمنگ روڈ, ژینگ زو, ہینن, چین


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