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Production specifications of alu alu foil packaging


Production specifications of alu alu foil packaging

1. Alu alu foil packaging appearance
Scratches, dents on nylon: not detectedScratches, dents on PVC: not detected
2. Alu alu foil packaging properties
High-performance cold forming
Good resistance to low and high temperaturehigh resistance to light, moisture, kislorod
Can be enhanced by flexo or gravure printing
3. Alu alu foil packaging reel size
1) Reel width: 60 ~800 mm, tolerance ± 0.5 mm2) Reel length: max. 2,050M
3) Core: I.D.76mm paper core or steel core
1.D.152mm steel core
4. Alu alu foil packaging storage
12 months at 15 ~ 30°C, below 70% RH
(OPA film is sensitive to moisture and should be moisture-proof)

alyuminiy blister folga

Oldingi sahifa:
Keyingi sahifa:


№ 52, Dongming yo'li, Chjenchjou, Xenan, Xitoy


[email protected]

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