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The difference between hard aluminum foil (H18) and soft aluminum foil (O) for PTP medicinal foil


The difference between hard aluminum foil (H18) and soft aluminum foil (O) for PTP medicinal foil

The main aluminum raw materials of medicinal aluminum foil are 1100, 1145, 1200, 1235, 8011, 8021, va 8079 aluminum alloys. Ular orasida, PTP alyuminiy folga produced with 8011 alloy primary aluminum has high tensile strength, cho'zilish, and rupture strength, which is similar to PVC heat. There is less chance of the aluminum foil breaking when sealing.

Table 1 shows the mechanical properties of aluminum foil in different states of different alloys (thickness of aluminum foil is 0.020mm).

Alloy/Temper 1100 1145 8011
Item tensile strength


Cho'zilish % Burst strength kpa Tensile strength


Cho'zilish % burst strength kpa Tensile strength


Cho'zilish % Burst strength kpa
H18 ≥ 140 1 ≥ 160 ≥ 135 1 ≥ 130 ≥ 160 1 ≥ 180
O 40-105 1 40-100 1 70-90 50-105 1 130-160
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№ 52, Dongming yo'li, Chjenchjou, Xenan, Xitoy


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