Alyuminiy blister folga xususiyatlari qanday?
1. Ko'p qatlamli tuzilish: namlikka bardosh bera oladi, yorug'lik, kislorod va boshqa gazlar.
2. Metallning yaxshi egiluvchanligi: eng katta sindirmaslik qobiliyatiga ega.
3. Blister yaxshi qattiqlikka ega: it can resist delamination for a long time.
4. Versatility: In addition to pharmaceutical packaging, it can also be printed and coated.
5. Strong medicinal protection: the best protection can extend the shelf life of the product.
6. Light weight and small size: the smallest cavity design can reduce material consumption.
7. Cost-effective: Unmatched quality and consistent performance maximize production reliability.
№ 52, Dongming yo'li, Chjenchjou, Xenan, Xitoy
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