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Blister folga va sovuq shakllangan folga o'rtasidagi farq nima?


Blister folga va sovuq shakllangan folga o'rtasidagi farq nima?

Blister foil and cold-form foil are two different types of aluminum foil products that are mainly used in pharmaceutical packaging in the pharmaceutical industry. The differences and similarities between them are as follows:

The difference between blister foil and cold forming foil:
The manufacturing process is different: Blister foil is usually made using a heat-sealing process, while cold-formed foil is made using a cold-forming process.
Different uses: Blister foil is mainly used for solid drug packaging, while cold-formed aluminum foil is mainly used for liquid or semi-solid drug packaging.
The physical properties are different: cold-formed foils typically have higher tensile strength and abrasion resistance, while blister foils typically have better sealing properties and corrosion resistance.

Blister folga va sovuq shakllantiruvchi folga are the same:
The same material: both blister foil and cold-formed aluminum foil are made of pure aluminum or aluminum alloy, which have excellent moisture-proof, anti-oxidation, and fresh-keeping properties.
The application fields are the same: both blister foil and cold-formed aluminum foil are mainly used in the packaging of traditional Chinese medicines in the pharmaceutical industry, which can ensure the safety, sanitation and stable quality of medicines.
The process requirements are the same: Both blister foil and cold-formed aluminum foil require strict quality control during the production process to ensure that the products meet national and industry standards.
To sum up, although there are differences between blister foil and cold-formed aluminum foil in terms of manufacturing process, usage and physical properties, they are both excellent pharmaceutical packaging materials and have broad application prospects in the pharmaceutical industry.

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№ 52, Dongming yo'li, Chjenchjou, Xenan, Xitoy


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