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Which Aluminum foil 8011 yoki 1235 is more suitable for pharmaceutical packaging?


Which Aluminum foil 8011 yoki 1235 is more suitable for pharmaceutical packaging?

Both 8011 va 1235 aluminum alloys are commonly used in pharmaceutical packaging, and the choice between them depends on specific requirements and considerations. Here are some key properties of each alloy:

Aluminum alloy 8011:

Good strength and mechanical properties.
Excellent moisture, light and gas barrier properties.
Suitable for high-speed processing and printing.
Commonly used for:
Blister packaging of pharmaceutical tablets and capsules.
Tape packaging for pharmaceuticals.

Aluminum alloy 1235:

High purity, typically containing 99.35% alyuminiy.
Excellent barrier properties.
Good flexibility.
Commonly used for:
Cold formed blister foil.
Tropical blister packaging.

For standard pharmaceutical blister packaging, where high speed processing and good barrier properties are critical, aluminum alloy 8011 is often the first choice.

If high purity and good flexibility are critical to a specific packaging need, aluminum alloy 1235 may be considered, especially for applications such as cold-formed blister foil or tropical blister packaging.

The choice between 8011 va 1235 will depend on the specific requirements of the pharmaceutical packaging, such as drug type, processing conditions and required barrier properties. It is always recommended to consult with a packaging expert or supplier to ensure that the material selected meets the specific needs of the drug product.

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№ 52, Dongming yo'li, Chjenchjou, Xenan, Xitoy


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